Effectively Converting dates between UTC and Local (ie. PST) time in SQL 2005

Create two tables and then join to them to convert stored GMT dates to local time:

TimeZones     e.g.
---------     ----
TimeZoneId    19
Name          Eastern (GMT -5)
Offset        -5

Create the daylight savings table and populate it with as much information as you can (local laws change all the time so there’s no way to predict what the data will look like years in the future)

TimeZoneId    19
BeginDst      3/9/2008 2:00 AM
EndDst        11/2/2008 2:00 AM

Join them like this:

inner join  TimeZones       tz on x.TimeZoneId=tz.TimeZoneId
left join   DaylightSavings ds on tz.TimeZoneId=ds.LocalTimeZone 
    and x.TheDateToConvert between ds.BeginDst and ds.EndDst

Convert dates like this:

dateadd(hh, tz.Offset + 
    case when ds.LocalTimeZone is not null 
    then 1 else 0 end, TheDateToConvert)

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