Email from internal storage

I think you may have found a bug (or at least unnecessary limitation) in the android Gmail client. I was able to work around it, but it strikes me as too implementation specific, and would need a little more work to be portable:

First CommonsWare is very much correct about needing to make the file world readable:

fos = openFileOutput(xmlFilename, MODE_WORLD_READABLE);

Next, we need to work around Gmail’s insistence on the /mnt/sdcard (or implementation specific equivalent?) path:

Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(new File("/mnt/sdcard/../.."+getFilesDir()+""+xmlFilename));

At least on my modified Gingerbread device, this is letting me Gmail an attachment from private storage to myself, and see the contents using the preview button when I receive it. But I don’t feel very “good” about having to do this to make it work, and who knows what would happen with another version of Gmail or another email client or a phone which mounts the external storage elsewhere.

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