Error 1004 when setting Range.Locked

Here’s a complete explanation:

Typically, there are two causes of this error: trying to change a cell’s Locked property on a protected sheet and/or trying to change the Locked property of a single cell in a merged range.

In the first case, you can either unlock the sheet or set UserInterfaceOnly protection for it, which is highly recommended since you then don’t have to mess with repeatedly unlocking/locking it.

With regard to merged cells, you can’t lock a single cell that is part of a merged range but there are reasonable options:

  • If you are using cell-address notation to reference the cell/range,

    Range("A1").Locked = True

    then reference the whole merged range instead:

    Range("A1:A3").Locked = True 'where "A1:A3" is the entire merged range

  • If you are using a named range for a set of merged cells, by default it will be defined to reference the first of the merged cells only. You can either edit its definition to include the entire merged range or use its MergeArea property to reference its associated merged range:

    Range(“SomeNamedRange”).MergeArea.Locked = True

    But note that you can’t do both since the MergeArea property is, apparently, undefined for a range that is not a strict subset of a larger merged area!

  • Of course, you can always unmerge the merged range before setting the Locked property of an included cell and then re-merge it afterward, but I have never seen a situation in which one of the above two solutions wasn’t sufficient (and much cleaner).

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