Error in starting hyperledger fabric network with hyperledger composer

  1. Are you behind a proxy / firewall ? If so in the composer network install command you require a -o npmrcFile parameter, to resolve the NPM registry. eg registry= (or the resolved IP address) as in composer network install -c PeerAdmin@hlfv1 -a digitalproperty-network.bna -o npmrcFile=/tmp/npmrcFile . See

  2. If you are finding that you get a REQUEST_TIMEOUT on a start or upgrade request, you could try increasing the timeout of the fabric default for startup timeout.

If you are using our simple Hyperledger Composer development server environment from composer-tools github repo, then you can add the following to the peer definition to see if it addresses the problem:


in the file ~/fabric-tools/fabric-scripts/hlfv11/composer/docker-compose.yml
eg, the above is a snippet from the peer definition. You would have to do a docker-compose stop – then docker-compose start from that directory location to take effect.


In addition to CORE_CHAINCODE_STARTUPTIMEOUT change above – you MUST ALSO UPDATE the timeout values to match (ie CORE_CHAINCODE_STARTUPTIMEOUT), in the connection.json file for the card(s) that performs the composer network start command (eg. PeerAdmin card in $HOME/.composer). You will see 4 timeouts (3 for a Peer and 1 for the Order) in the ‘client’ section, under the stanza “connection”. By default, these are set to 300 seconds – Increase the value to 1200 for each. Do note that CORE_CHAINCODE_STARTUPTIMEOUT must have the ‘trailing s’ , whereas these 4 timeouts defined above – don’t have this.

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