Extract Data from Word Document to an Excel SpreadSheet

here’s some code making use of late binding (declare objects rather than word.application etc). From Excel 2003, it

  1. opens a WORD document
  2. searches for string “minimum stock”
  3. moves the cursor some lines/words further
  4. expands/selects the WORD cursor
  5. pastes this WORD selection into EXCEL

steps 2-5 are repeated for “Period of report:” (note that the “:” is a word boundary, so we need to jump 8 words to the right to arrive at the date)

For WORD I copied the text from your Q just as is (no table, just plain text). If you use tables instead, you may need to play with the units of the various Move statements (e.g. for cells unit:=12); the strategy remains the same: find a constant text, move cursor to final destination, expand selection, create a word range and transfer.

Both items are placed into the current cell in Excel and its right neighbor.

Sub GrabUsage()
Dim FName As String, FD As FileDialog
Dim WApp As Object, WDoc As Object, WDR As Object
Dim ExR As Range

    Set ExR = Selection ' current location in Excel Sheet

    'let's select the WORD doc
    Set FD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
    If FD.SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
        FName = FD.SelectedItems(1)
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' open Word application and load doc
    Set WApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    ' WApp.Visible = True
    Set WDoc = WApp.Documents.Open(FName)

    ' go home and search
    WApp.Selection.HomeKey Unit:=6
    WApp.Selection.Find.Execute "Minimum Stock"

    ' move cursor from find to final data item
    WApp.Selection.MoveDown Unit:=5, Count:=1
    WApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=2, Count:=2

    ' the miracle happens here
    WApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=2, Count:=1, Extend:=1

    ' grab and put into excel        
    Set WDR = WApp.Selection
    ExR(1, 1) = WDR ' place at Excel cursor

    WApp.Selection.HomeKey Unit:=6
    WApp.Selection.Find.Execute "Period of Report:"
    WApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=2, Count:=8
    WApp.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=2, Count:=3, Extend:=1

    Set WDR = WApp.Selection
    ExR(1, 2) = WDR ' place in cell right of Excel cursor


End Sub

You can create a button and call that sub from there, or link GrabUsage() to a function key.

I commented out the WApp.Visible = True because in production you don’t want WORD even to show up, but you will need it for debugging and playing with the cursor movements.

The disadvantage of late binding (and not using references to the Word library) is the hardcoding of units (6=story, 5=line, 2=word) instead of using Word enumerations, but I sometimes get OS crashes with early binding …. not very sexy but it seems to work.

The FileDialog object needs a reference to the MS Office Office Library. AFAIK this is standard in Excel 2003, but better to check than to crash.

And I didn’t include code to check if the items are really found; I leave this to your creativity.

Hope that helps.

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