Facebook JavaScript SDK over HTTPS loading non-secure items


set FB._https to true before calling FB.init. Like so:

FB._https = true;
    /* your app id and stuff */


If you unminify the Facebook JavaScript SDK, you’ll see that its basically an object literal with a bunch of properties. One of these properties is _https, which is a boolean. This property determines which set of URLs to use (stored in FB._domain) when making API requests. It seems as though Facebook keeps two sets of URLs for each type of API request — a secure URL and and non-secure URL — then uses a switch function called getDomain() to determine which to use when making requests.

The reason the JavaScript SDK causes security warnings is due to the way the FB._https property is defined. This is how it’s currently defined as of 2011-8-24:

_https: (window.name.indexOf('_fb_https') > -1)

Apparently Facebook thinks that if the window.name property has _fb_https in it, then it must be a secure app. This is obviously incorrect. The real test should be something similar to this:

_https: window.location.protocol == "https:"

Unfortunately, the SDK is not open source or even well documented, so I can’t submit a pull request for this change :P. In the short term, setting FB._https to true manually before calling FB.init should do the trick.

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