Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘mysqli_sql_exception’ with message ‘No index used in query/prepared statement’

The fatal error is not in MySQL; the missing index notification is a relatively low-severity warning.

The fatal error is in your PHP code, because of the following three conditions:

  • mysqli reports a lot of warnings, even for relatively harmless conditions.
  • You’re throwing mysqli_sql_exception for all errors and warnings due to your mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ALL); line.
  • Your PHP code is not catching that exception (i.e. it’s not in a try{} block with an appropriate catch(){} block), and uncaught exceptions are fatal.

You can’t do much about the first one, as mentioned in the other answer. So, you can fix it either by changing your mysqli_report(...) setting to MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT or MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF, or indeed anything other than MYSQLI_REPORT_ALL.

(edit: w3d’s comment below gives a good explanation why, and suggests you could use mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT) as a good alternative)

For best practices, and in combination with this, you should fix it properly by using try{} and catch(){} appropriately within your code.

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