File Url Cross Domain Issue in Chrome- Unexpected

You are hitting the cross domain/file security limitations of Chrome.

You can, disable this by following the instructions in Disable same origin policy in Chrome and details in How can access and the origin policy in chrome as I’m not using a server on how to start Chrome with these turned off.

A word of warning, though: they are called “security limitations” for a reason so do not go applying this when browsing 3rd party sites. This is extremely dangerous to turn off whilst browsing the web normally. For example, with this turned off I can now make requests on your behalf to sites like, and, and your cookies will be set allowing me to masquerade as yourself.

If you still really need this, you need to run chrome with the --disable-web-security flag:

chrome --disable-web-security # unix/linux only

If you need cross OS instructions on how to apply the flag, see

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