Filtering out duplicated/non-unique rows in data.table

For v1.9.8+ (released November 2016)

From ?
By default all columns are being used (which is consistent with ?

   V1 V2
1:  A  B
2:  A  C
3:  A  D
4:  B  A
5:  C  D
6:  E  F
7:  G  G

Or using the by argument in order to get unique combinations of specific columns (like previously keys were used for)

unique(dt, by = "V2")
   V1 V2
1:  A  B
2:  A  C
3:  A  D
4:  B  A
5:  E  F
6:  G  G

Prior v1.9.8

From ?, it is clear that calling unique on a data table only works on the key. This means you have to reset the key to all columns before calling unique.

dt <- data.table(

Calling unique with one column as key:

setkey(dt, "V2")
     V1 V2
[1,]  B  A
[2,]  A  B
[3,]  A  C
[4,]  A  D
[5,]  E  F
[6,]  G  G

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