fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device?

How about adding event listeners to the cells of already initialized calendar and applying some magic, like this:

$('#calendar table.fc-border-separate td.ui-widget-content').on('touchstart', function (event) {
    /* touch start processing, probably cancelling like*/ 

    function mouseMoveHandler (event) {
         /* processing actual drag */
         /* possible also cancelling default behavior and instead calling Calendar API */

    function mouseUpHandler (event) {
        /* processing mouse up */

        /* some clean up */         
        $(document).off('touchmove', mouseMoveHandler)
        .off('touchend touchleave touchcancel', mouseUpHandler);

    $(document).on('touchmove', mouseMoveHandler)
        .on('touchend touchleave touchcancel', mouseUpHandler);

I know this is a bit low-level comparing to the rest of your code, but that can help.
These events will only work on mobiles and probably you will be able to achieve the desired behavior. Sorry no time to try this approach myself, maybe I’ll try that later on jsFiddle.

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