gcc, strict-aliasing, and casting through a union

The fact that GCC is warning about unions doesn’t necessarily mean that unions don’t currently work. But here’s a slightly less simple example than yours:

#include <stdio.h>

struct B {
    int i1;
    int i2;

union A {
    struct B b;
    double d;

int main() {
    double d = 3.0;
    #ifdef USE_UNION
        ((union A*)&d)->b.i2 += 0x80000000;
        ((int*)&d)[1] += 0x80000000;
    printf("%g\n", d);


$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

$ gcc -oalias alias.c -O1 -std=c99 && ./alias

$ gcc -oalias alias.c -O3 -std=c99 && ./alias

$ gcc -oalias alias.c -O1 -std=c99 -DUSE_UNION && ./alias

$ gcc -oalias alias.c -O3 -std=c99 -DUSE_UNION && ./alias

So on GCC 4.3.4, the union “saves the day” (assuming I want the output “-3”). It disables the optimisation that relies on strict aliasing and that results in the output “3” in the second case (only). With -Wall, USE_UNION also disables the type-pun warning.

I don’t have gcc 4.4 to test, but please give this code a go. Your code in effect tests whether the memory for d is initialised before reading back through a union: mine tests whether it is modified.

Btw, the safe way to read half of a double as an int is:

double d = 3;
int i;
memcpy(&i, &d, sizeof i);
return i;

With optimisation on GCC, this results in:

    int thing() {
401130:       55                      push   %ebp
401131:       89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
401133:       83 ec 10                sub    $0x10,%esp
        double d = 3;
401136:       d9 05 a8 20 40 00       flds   0x4020a8
40113c:       dd 5d f0                fstpl  -0x10(%ebp)
        int i;
        memcpy(&i, &d, sizeof i);
40113f:       8b 45 f0                mov    -0x10(%ebp),%eax
        return i;
401142:       c9                      leave
401143:       c3                      ret

So there’s no actual call to memcpy. If you aren’t doing this, you deserve what you get if union casts stop working in GCC 😉

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