Generate a “pieslice” in C without using the pieslice() of graphics.h

why not use vectors?


outscribed square

So (0,0) centered pie of radius r is determined by:

u = (cos(a0),sin(a0))
v = (cos(a1),sin(a1))
x^2 + y^2 <= r^2 // circle
(x,y) x u ->  CW
(x,y) x v -> CCW

the CW/CCW is determined by computing 3D cross product and examining the sign of results z coordinate…

so process all pixels in circle outscribed square and render all pixels that complies all 3 conditions.

Something like this:

void pie(int x0,int y0,int r,int a0,int a1,DWORD c)
    // variables
    int  x, y,      // circle centered point
        xx,yy,rr,   // x^2,y^2,r^2
        ux,uy,      // u
        vx,vy,      // v
        sx,sy;      // pixel position
    // my Pixel access (remove these 3 lines)
    int **Pixels=Main->pyx;         // Pixels[y][x]
    int   xs=Main->xs;              // resolution
    int   ys=Main->ys;
    // init variables
    // render                                       |<-- remove these -->|
    for (y=-r,yy=y*y,sy=y0+y;y<=+r;y++,yy=y*y,sy++) if ((sy>=0)&&(sy<ys))
     for (x=-r,xx=x*x,sx=x0+x;x<=+r;x++,xx=x*x,sx++) if ((sx>=0)&&(sx<xs))
      if (xx+yy<=rr)          // inside circle
       if ((x*uy)-(y*ux)<=0)  // x,y is above a0 in clockwise direction
        if ((x*vy)-(y*vx)>=0) // x,y is below a1 in counter clockwise direction
         Pixels[sy][sx]=c; // change for putpixel

However I do not use BGI so just change the Pixels[sy][sx]=c; with your putpixel(sx,sy,c); and remove obsolete range check ifs for sx,sy. Also remove the resolution xs,ys and Pixels variables.

Here preview for (xs2,ys2 is mine middle of screen):



Note that I have 32 bit RGB color instead of your indexed 8 bit ones and angles are in degrees. Also note that mine y axis points down so incrementing angle is going clockwise starting from the x axis (pointing to right)

This however works only for pies below 180 degrees. For bigger ones you need to invert the cross product conditions to render when not inside the not filled pie part instead something like this:

void pie(int x0,int y0,int r,int a0,int a1,DWORD c) // a0 < a1
    // variables
    int  x, y,      // circle centered point
        xx,yy,rr,   // x^2,y^2,r^2
        ux,uy,      // u
        vx,vy,      // v
        sx,sy;      // pixel position
    // my Pixel access
    int **Pixels=Main->pyx;         // Pixels[y][x]
    int   xs=Main->xs;              // resolution
    int   ys=Main->ys;
    // init variables
    // handle big/small pies
    if (x<0) x=-x;
    // render small pies
    if (x<180)
        for (y=-r,yy=y*y,sy=y0+y;y<=+r;y++,yy=y*y,sy++) if ((sy>=0)&&(sy<ys))
         for (x=-r,xx=x*x,sx=x0+x;x<=+r;x++,xx=x*x,sx++) if ((sx>=0)&&(sx<xs))
          if (xx+yy<=rr)           // inside circle
           if (((x*uy)-(y*ux)<=0)  // x,y is above a0 in clockwise direction
             &&((x*vy)-(y*vx)>=0)) // x,y is below a1 in counter clockwise direction
        for (y=-r,yy=y*y,sy=y0+y;y<=+r;y++,yy=y*y,sy++) if ((sy>=0)&&(sy<ys))
         for (x=-r,xx=x*x,sx=x0+x;x<=+r;x++,xx=x*x,sx++) if ((sx>=0)&&(sx<xs))
          if (xx+yy<=rr)           // inside circle
           if (((x*uy)-(y*ux)<=0)  // x,y is above a0 in clockwise direction
             ||((x*vy)-(y*vx)>=0)) // x,y is below a1 in counter clockwise direction

preview big pie


The code can be further optimized for example x*uy can be changed to addition in for cycle like for(...,xuy=x*uy;...;...,xuy+=uy) eliminating slow multiplication from inner loops. The same goes for all 4 therms in the cross product conditions.

[edit1] To be more clear we have something like this:

     for (x=-r,xx=x*x,sx=x0+x;x<=+r;x++,xx=x*x,sx++)
       if (...(x*uy)...) { do something }

the (x*uy) is computed on each iteration of x. The x is incrementing so we can compute the value of (x*uy) from the previous value ((x-1)*uy)+uy which does not need multiplication as ((x-1)*uy) is the value from last iteration. So adding single variable that holds it can get rid of the repeated multiplication:

     int xuy; //              ********                       *******
     for (x=-r,xx=x*x,sx=x0+x,xuy=x*uy;x<=+r;x++,xx=x*x,sx++,xuy+=uy)
       if (...(xuy)...) { do something }

so the initial multiplication is done just once and from then its just addition …

Also this way of rendering is fully parallelisable…

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