Generate a sequence of the last day of the month over two years

Yes, you found the correct trick: going back a day from the first of the next month.

Here is as a one-liner in base R:

R> seq(as.Date("2010-02-01"), length=24, by="1 month") - 1
 [1] "2010-01-31" "2010-02-28" "2010-03-31" "2010-04-30" "2010-05-31"
 [6] "2010-06-30" "2010-07-31" "2010-08-31" "2010-09-30" "2010-10-31"
[11] "2010-11-30" "2010-12-31" "2011-01-31" "2011-02-28" "2011-03-31"
[16] "2011-04-30" "2011-05-31" "2011-06-30" "2011-07-31" "2011-08-31"
[21] "2011-09-30" "2011-10-31" "2011-11-30" "2011-12-31"

So no need for lubridate which (while being a fine package) isn’t needed for simple task like this. Plus, its overloading of existing base functions still strikes me as somewhat dangerous…

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