Getting all arguments and values passed to a function

Essentially, I’m trying to work out how to, from within a function, get a completely populated *args and **kwargs, including the function’s named parameters.

How about saving the arguments via locals() at the beginning of the function?

def my_func(a, *args, **kwargs):
    saved_args = locals()
    print("saved_args is", saved_args)
    local_var = 10
    print("saved_args is", saved_args)
    print("But locals() is now", locals())

my_func(20, 30, 40, 50, kwarg1='spam', kwarg2='eggs')

It gives this output:

saved_args is {'a': 20, 'args': (30, 40, 50), 'kwargs': {'kwarg1': u'spam', 'kwarg2': u'eggs'}}
saved_args is {'a': 20, 'args': (30, 40, 50), 'kwargs': {'kwarg1': u'spam', 'kwarg2': u'eggs'}}
But locals is now {'a': 20, 'saved_args': {...}, 'args': (30, 40, 50), 'local_var': 10, 'kwargs': {'kwarg1': u'spam', 'kwarg2': u'eggs'}}

Hat tip:

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