Getting all cookies from WKWebView

Cookies used (created) by the WKWebView are actually correctly stored in the NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage().

The problem is that the WKWebView does not write back the cookies immediately. I think it does this on its own schedule. For example when a WKWebView is closed or maybe periodically.

So eventually they do end up in there, but when is unpredictable.

You may be able to force a ‘sync’ to the shared NSHTTPCookieStorage by closing your WKWebView. Please let us know if this works.

Update: I just remembered that in Firefox for iOS we force the WKWebView to flush its internal data, including cookies, by replacing its WKProcessPool with a new one. There is no official API, but I am pretty sure that is the most reliable workaround right now.

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