Getting Zend_Navigation menu to work with jQuery’s Fisheye

I haven’t seen the way yet either in terms of making a custom renderer. Here’s what I ended up doing though:

First, instead of rendering the default menu() call, create a partial to render into:

// menu.phtml is partial, cms is module
$partial = array('menu.phtml', 'cms');
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->render();

Then (from the docs), you can create a “custom” render like so:

// -- inside menu.phtml
foreach ($this->container as $page) 
    // this just prints a "<a>" or "<span>" tag
    // depending on whether the page has a uri
    echo $this->menu()->htmlify($page), PHP_EOL;

I ended up making what I originally had (a menu with one level of submenus) with this script:

// -- another menu.phtml
<ul class="navigation">


$html = array();

foreach ($this->container as $page) 
    $html[] = "<li>";
    $html[] = $this->menu()->htmlify($page) . PHP_EOL;

    if (!empty($page->pages))
        $html[] = "<ul>";
        foreach ($page->pages as $subpage) 
            $html[] = "<li>";
            if ($href = $subpage->getHref()) $html[] = "<a href=\"{$href}\">";
            else $html[] = "<span>";
            $html[] = "<img src=\"/ui/cms/img/icons/edit.png\" alt=\"\"/>";
            $html[] = $subpage->getLabel();
            if ($href) $html[] = "</a>";
            else $html[] = "</span>";            
            $html[] = "</li>";
        $html[] = "</ul>";

    $html[] = "</li>";

echo join(PHP_EOL, $html);


You could just change the markup in the partial and add your images/icons there.

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