ggplot2: Curly braces on an axis?

Another solution using a function that draws a curly bracket.

Thanks Gur!

curly <- function(N = 100, Tilt = 1, Long = 2, scale = 0.1, xcent = 0.5,
                  ycent = 0.5, theta = 0, col = 1, lwd = 1, grid = FALSE){

# N determines how many points in each curve
# Tilt is the ratio between the axis in the ellipse 
#  defining the curliness of each curve
# Long is the length of the straight line in the curly brackets 
#  in units of the projection of the curly brackets in this dimension
# 2*scale is the absolute size of the projection of the curly brackets 
#  in the y dimension (when theta=0)
# xcent is the location center of the x axis of the curly brackets
# ycent is the location center of the y axis of the curly brackets
# theta is the angle (in radians) of the curly brackets orientation
# col and lwd are passed to points/grid.lines

           ymin <- scale / Tilt
           y2 <- ymin * Long
           i <- seq(0, pi/2, length.out = N)

           x <- c(ymin * Tilt * (sin(i)-1),
                  seq(0,0, length.out = 2),
                  ymin * (Tilt * (1 - sin(rev(i)))),
                  ymin * (Tilt * (1 - sin(i))),
                  seq(0,0, length.out = 2),
                  ymin * Tilt * (sin(rev(i)) - 1))

           y <- c(-cos(i) * ymin,
                  y2 + (cos(rev(i))) * ymin,
                  y2 + (2 - cos(i)) * ymin,
                  c(y2 + 2 * ymin, 2 * y2 + 2 * ymin),
                  2 * y2 + 2 * ymin + cos(rev(i)) * ymin)

           x <- x + xcent
           y <- y + ycent - ymin - y2

           x1 <- cos(theta) * (x - xcent) - sin(theta) * (y - ycent) + xcent
           y1 <- cos(theta) * (y - ycent) + sin(theta) * (x - xcent) + ycent

           ##For grid library:
              grid.lines(unit(x1,"npc"), unit(y1,"npc"),gp=gpar(col=col,lwd=lwd))

           ##Uncomment for base graphics


x <- c(runif(10),runif(10)+2)
y <- c(runif(10),runif(10)+2)
qplot(x=x,y=y) +
  scale_x_continuous("",breaks=c(.5,2.5),labels=c("Low types","High types") )


result plot

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