Gradle 0.9.+/0.9.2 error: Unable to load class ‘’

Per the latest in the bug report, the issue was that version 0.9.2 was being served from Maven central even though all the necessary components weren’t yet available (and gradle doesn’t register that as a problem). This breaks things because pieces are missing. Version 0.9.2 is now completely available and works, but if you’re seeing this bug your gradle cache is corrupted.

To fix:

gradle --refresh-dependencies

or delete


and then re-sync.

Prior fix, see above for update.

Based on comments in the bug report, it appears that version 0.9.2 is the source of this problem.

To fix, peg the gradle version to known-good version 0.9.1 instead of 0.9.+, 0.+, +, etc.

In your build.gradle file, change

classpath ''


classpath ''

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