Has many through many-to-many

If you want to have a custom relation, you can create your own extends to Relation abstract class. For example: BelongsToManyThought.

But if you don’t want to implement a Relation, I think that it can fulfill your needs :

In App\Deal.php, you can combine the solution of @thomas-van-der-veen

public function metrics()
    return Metric

    ::join('metric_product', 'metric.id', '=', 'metric_product.metric_id')

    ->join('products', 'metric_product.product_id', '=', 'products.id')

    ->join('deal_product', 'products.id', '=', 'deal_product.product_id')

    ->join('deals', 'deal_product.deal_id', '=', 'deal.id')

    ->where('deal.id', $this->id);


// you can access to $deal->metrics and use eager loading
public function getMetricsAttribute()
    if (!$this->relationLoaded('products') || !$this->products->first()->relationLoaded('metrics')) {

    return collect($this->products->lists('metrics'))->collapse()->unique();

You can refer to this post to see how you can simply use nested relations.

This solution can do the trick for querying relation with method and access to metrics attribute.

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