Heroku SSL on root domain

Wow…this took me forever, and a bunch of info on the web was wrong. Even Heroku’s docs didn’t seem to indicate this was possible.

But Jesper J’s answer provides a hint in the right direction: it works with DNSimple’s ALIAS record which I guess is some new sort of DNS record they created. I had to switch my DNS service over to them just to get this record type (was previously with EasyDNS).

To clarify when I say “works” I mean:

  • entire site on SSL using your root domain
  • no browser warnings
  • using Heroku’s Endpoint SSL offering ($20/month)

It works for all of the following urls (redirects them to https://foo.com with no warnings)

To summarize the important bits.

  1. move your DNS over to DNSimple (if anyone knows other providers offering an ALIAS record please post them in the comments, they were the only one I could find)
  2. setup Heroku endpoint ssl as normal https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl-endpoint
  3. Back in DNSimple add an ALIAS record pointing foo.com to your heroku ssl endpoint, something like waterfall-9359.herokussl.com
  4. Also add a CNAME record pointing www.foo.com to your heroku ssl endpoint, waterfall-9359.herokussl.com
  5. finally in your rails (or whatever) app make the following settings:

in production.rb set

config.force_ssl = true

in application_controller.rb add

before_filter :check_domain

def check_domain
  if Rails.env.production? and request.host.downcase != 'foo.com'
    redirect_to request.protocol + 'foo.com' + request.fullpath, :status => 301

This finally seems to work! The key piece seems to be the ALIAS dns record. I’d be curious to learn more about how it works if anyone knows, and how reliable/mature it is. Seems to do the trick though.

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