How can I completely uninstall and then reinstall Meteor.js?

Let’s start with the deletions, then we’ll move on to the reinstallations.

  1. If you ever installed Meteorite, uninstall and delete it:

    sudo mrt uninstall
    sudo mrt uninstall --system
    rm -rf ~/.meteorite
  2. Then delete Meteor:

    sudo rm /usr/local/bin/meteor
    rm -rf ~/.meteor

Now start over at the beginning:

  1. Repair permissions if necessary:

    sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm
  2. Reinstall Meteor:

    curl | sh
  3. Next check that your project has all its proper packages:

    cd /path/to/your/project
    meteor update
  4. If your project still won’t compile, you can reset it (warning: deletes database):

    cd /path/to/your/project
    meteor reset
  5. Still no luck? Recreate the Meteor project (warning: deletes database and the project’s memory of what packages you’ve installed):

    cd /path/to/your/project
    rm -rf ./.meteor
    cd ..
    meteor create project-new
    rm ./project-new/project-new.*
    mv ./project/* ./project-new/
    cd ./project-new

    (and run meteor add *packagename* over and over to reinstall each package you were using)

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