How can I cut one shape inside another?

You must use path element to cut a hole.

See the example from the SVG specification: (you can click this link or the following image to view the real svg file)

svg hole example

<g fill-rule="evenodd" fill="red" stroke="black" stroke-width="3">
    <path d="M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z"/>

    <path d="M 600,81 A 107,107 0 0,1 600,295 A 107,107 0 0,1 600,81 z
             M 600,139 A 49,49 0 0,1 600,237 A 49,49 0 0,1 600,139 z"/>

    <path d="M 950,81 A 107,107 0 0,1 950,295 A 107,107 0 0,1 950,81 z
             M 950,139 A 49,49 0 0,0 950,237 A 49,49 0 0,0 950,139 z"/>

For your case:

<path d="M10 10h50v50h-50z M23 35a14 10 0 1 1 0 0.0001 z"
    stroke="blue" stroke-width="2" fill="red" fill-rule="evenodd" />

M10 10h50v50h-50z will draw a rect.

M25 35a10 10 0 1 1 0 0.0001 z will draw a ellipse.

fill-rule="evenodd" will make the hole.

The key point is draw outer shape and inner shapes(holes) in different direction (clockwise vs anti-clockwise).

  • Draw the outer shape clockwise and draw the inner(holes) shapes anti-clockwise.
  • Or conversely, draw the outer shape(holes) anti-clockwise and draw the inner shapes clockwise.
  • Concat the path datas of outer shape and inner shapes(holes).

You can cut more holes by concat more hole path data.

This image explain how to cut a hole:

This image explain how to cut a hole

See w3c docs:
SVG Arc Commands
SVG fill-rule Property.

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