How can I insert an image into the navbar on a shiny navbarPage()

I can now answer this question, at least for shiny 0.10.0. The general idea is to set the title= to a div() that contains both the image and the text for the the title.

This however, creates a new problem in that the icon= argument no longer works, and you cannot set a title for the window. To get around this I followed Andy Singleton’s advice here.The advice is to create a fluidPage() above the navbarPage() that can be used to hold the window title and icon. By making this page 0 pixels in height, it is hidden on the app. Here is the key bits of code.


     list(tags$head(HTML('<link rel="icon", href="", 
                                   type="image/png" />'))),
     div(style="padding: 1px 0px; width: '100%'",
                title="", windowTitle="My Window Title"
         title=div(img(src="myLogo.gif"), "My Title in the Navbar"),

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