How can I mock the imports of an ES6 module?

I’ve started employing the import * as obj style within my tests, which imports all exports from a module as properties of an object which can then be mocked. I find this to be a lot cleaner than using something like rewire or proxyquire or any similar technique. I’ve done this most often when needing to mock Redux actions, for example. Here’s what I might use for your example above:

import * as network from 'network.js';

describe("widget", function() {
  it("should do stuff", function() {
    let getDataFromServer = spyOn(network, "getDataFromServer").andReturn("mockData")
    let widget = new Widget();

If your function happens to be a default export, then import * as network from './network' would produce {default: getDataFromServer} and you can mock network.default.

Note: the ES spec defines modules as read-only, and many ES transpilers have started honoring this, which may break this style of spying. This is highly dependent on your transpiler as well as your test framework. For example, I think Jest performs some magic to make this work, though Jasmine does not, at least currently. YMMV.

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