How can I pass a slice as a variadic input?

The Go Programming Language Specification

Passing arguments to … parameters

If f is variadic with final parameter type …T, then within the
function the argument is equivalent to a parameter of type []T. At
each call of f, the argument passed to the final parameter is a new
slice of type []T whose successive elements are the actual arguments,
which all must be assignable to the type T. The length of the slice is
therefore the number of arguments bound to the final parameter and may
differ for each call site.

Package exec

func Command

func Command(name string, arg ...string) *Cmd

Command returns the Cmd struct to execute the named program with the
given arguments.

The returned Cmd’s Args field is constructed from the command name
followed by the elements of arg, so arg should not include the command
name itself. For example, Command(“echo”, “hello”)

For example,

package main

import (

func main() {
    name := "echo"
    args := []string{"hello", "world"}
    cmd := exec.Command(name, args...)
    out, err := cmd.Output()
    if err != nil {


hello world

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