How can I programmatically copy all of the style attributes from one DOM element to another

With getComputedStyle, you can get the cssText property which will fetch the entire computed style in a CSS string:

var completeStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element1, null).cssText; = completeStyle;

Unfortunately, getComputedStyle isn’t supported by Internet Explorer, which uses currentStyle instead. Doubly unfortunate is the fact that currentStyle returns null for cssText, so the same method cannot be applied to IE. I’ll try and figure something out for you, if nobody beats me to it 🙂

I thought about it and you could emulate the above in IE using a statement:

var completeStyle = "";
if ("getComputedStyle" in window)
    completeStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element1, null).cssText;
    var elStyle = element1.currentStyle;
    for (var k in elStyle) { completeStyle += k + ":" + elStyle[k] + ";"; }
} = completeStyle;

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