How can I revoke a JWT token?

In general the easiest answer would be to say that you cannot revoke a JWT token, but that’s simply not true. The honest answer is that the cost of supporting JWT revocation is sufficiently big for not being worth most of the times or plainly reconsider an alternative to JWT.

Having said that, in some scenarios you might need both JWT and immediate token revocation so lets go through what it would take, but first we’ll cover some concepts.

JWT (Learn JSON Web Tokens) just specifies a token format, this revocation problem would also apply to any format used in what’s usually known as a self-contained or by-value token. I like the latter terminology, because it makes a good contrast with by-reference tokens.

by-value token – associated information, including token lifetime, is contained in the token itself and the information can be verified as originating from a trusted source (digital signatures to the rescue)

by-reference token – associated information is kept on server-side storage that is then obtained using the token value as the key; being server-side storage the associated information is implicitly trusted

Before the JWT Big Bang we already dealt with tokens in our authentication systems; it was common for an application to create a session identifier upon user login that would then be used so that the user did not had to repeat the login process each time. These session identifiers were used as key indexes for server-side storage and if this sounds similar to something you recently read, you’re right, this indeed classifies as a by-reference token.

Using the same analogy, understanding revocation for by-reference tokens is trivial; we just delete the server-side storage mapped to that key and the next time the key is provided it will be invalid.

For by-value tokens we just need to implement the opposite. When you request the revocation of the token you store something that allows you to uniquely identify that token so that next time you receive it you can additionally check if it was revoked. If you’re already thinking that something like this will not scale, have in mind that you only need to store the data until the time the token would expire and in most cases you could probably just store an hash of the token so it would always be something of a known size.

As a last note and to center this on OAuth 2.0, the revocation of by-value access tokens is currently not standardized. Nonetheless, the OAuth 2.0 Token revocation specifically states that it can still be achieved as long as both the authorization server and resource server agree to a custom way of handling this:

In the former case (self-contained tokens), some (currently non-standardized) backend interaction between the authorization server and the resource server may be used when immediate access token revocation is desired.

If you control both the authorization server and resource server this is very easy to achieve. On the other hand if you delegate the authorization server role to a cloud provider like Auth0 or a third-party component like Spring OAuth 2.0 you most likely need to approach things differently as you’ll probably only get what’s already standardized.

An interesting reference

This article explain a another way to do that: Blacklist JWT
It contains some interesting pratices and pattern followed by RFC7523

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