How do I code a progress bar for Windows 7 to also update itself on the taskbar?

For below .NET 4, or WinForms in any .NET version

Using the Windows API Code Pack from Microsoft (as Keeron mentioned), it’s really simple. You just need to use the TaskbarManager. E.g.

To start the progress:


To update the progress:

TaskbarManager.Instance.SetProgressValue(currentValue, maxProgressValue);

And when when you’re done, to end the progress:


There is more you can do, but that should get you started and might be all you need.

For .NET 4 and above with WPF

You can use System.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo. E.g. in the Xaml for your main window, you’ll need to add:

    <TaskbarItemInfo x:Name="taskBarItemInfo" />

Then to update the progress, you would do something like:

taskBarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal;

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    taskBarItemInfo.ProgressValue = i / 100.0;
    Thread.Sleep(50); // whatever the 'work' really is

taskBarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None;

Don’t forget that if you’re doing the ‘work’ on a background thread (which is probably a good idea for long running tasks), you will need to switch back to the UI thread to update the taskbar.

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