How do I compose Linq Expressions? ie Func

While dtb’s answer works for several scenarios, it is suboptimal as such an expression cannot be used in Entity Framework, as it cannot handle Invoke calls. Unfortunately, to avoid those calls one needs a lot more code, including a new ExpressionVisitor derived class:

static Expression<Func<A, C>> Compose<A, B, C>(Expression<Func<B, C>> f,
                                               Expression<Func<A, B>> g)
    var ex = ReplaceExpressions(f.Body, f.Parameters[0], g.Body);

    return Expression.Lambda<Func<A, C>>(ex, g.Parameters[0]);

static TExpr ReplaceExpressions<TExpr>(TExpr expression,
                                       Expression orig,
                                       Expression replacement)
    where TExpr : Expression 
    var replacer = new ExpressionReplacer(orig, replacement);

    return replacer.VisitAndConvert(expression, nameof(ReplaceExpressions));

private class ExpressionReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
    private readonly Expression From;
    private readonly Expression To;

    public ExpressionReplacer(Expression from, Expression to)
        From = from;
        To = to;

    public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
        return node == From ? To : base.Visit(node);

This replaces every instance of the first parameter in the first expression with the expression in the second expression. So a call like this:

Compose((Class1 c) => c.StringProperty, (Class2 c2) => c2.Class1Property

Would yield the expression (Class2 c2) => c2.Class1Property.StringProperty.

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