How do I convert a vec4 rgba value to a float?

The following code is specifically for the iPhone 4 GPU using OpenGL ES 2.0. I have no experience with WebGL so I cant claim to know how the code will work in that context. Furthermore the main problem here is that highp float is not 32 bits but is instead 24 bit.

My solution is for fragment shaders – I didnt try it in the vertex shader but it shouldnt be any different. In order to use the you will need to get the RGBA texel from a sampler2d uniform and make sure that the values of each R,G,B and A channels are between 0.0 and 255.0 . This is easy to achieve as follows:

highp vec4 rgba = texture2D(textureSamplerUniform, texcoordVarying)*255.0;

You should be aware though that the endianess of your machine will dictate the correct order of your bytes. The above code assumes that floats are stored in big-endian order. If you see your results are wrong then just swap the order of the data by writing


immediately after the line where you set it. Alternatively swap the indices on rgba. I think the above line is more intutive though and less prone to careless errors.
I am not sure if it works for all given input. I tested for a large range of numbers and found that decode32 and encode32 are NOT exact inverses. Ive also left out the code I used to test it.

#pragma STDGL invariant(all) 

highp vec4 encode32(highp float f) {
    highp float e =5.0;

    highp float F = abs(f); 
    highp float Sign = step(0.0,-f);
    highp float Exponent = floor(log2(F)); 
    highp float Mantissa = (exp2(- Exponent) * F);
    Exponent = floor(log2(F) + 127.0) + floor(log2(Mantissa));
    highp vec4 rgba;
    rgba[0] = 128.0 * Sign  + floor(Exponent*exp2(-1.0));
    rgba[1] = 128.0 * mod(Exponent,2.0) + mod(floor(Mantissa*128.0),128.0);  
    rgba[2] = floor(mod(floor(Mantissa*exp2(23.0 -8.0)),exp2(8.0)));
    rgba[3] = floor(exp2(23.0)*mod(Mantissa,exp2(-15.0)));
    return rgba;

highp float decode32(highp vec4 rgba) {
    highp float Sign = 1.0 - step(128.0,rgba[0])*2.0;
    highp float Exponent = 2.0 * mod(rgba[0],128.0) + step(128.0,rgba[1]) - 127.0; 
    highp float Mantissa = mod(rgba[1],128.0)*65536.0 + rgba[2]*256.0 +rgba[3] + float(0x800000);
    highp float Result =  Sign * exp2(Exponent) * (Mantissa * exp2(-23.0 )); 
    return Result;

void main()  
    highp float result;

    highp vec4 rgba=encode32(-10.01);
    result = decode32(rgba);

Here are some links on IEEE precision I found useful. Link1. Link2. Link3.

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