How do I extend a List in Dart?

To make a class implement List there are several ways :

import 'dart:collection';

class MyCustomList<E> extends ListBase<E> {
  final List<E> l = [];

  void set length(int newLength) { l.length = newLength; }
  int get length => l.length;
  E operator [](int index) => l[index];
  void operator []=(int index, E value) { l[index] = value; }

  // your custom methods
import 'dart:collection';

class MyCustomList<E> extends Base with ListMixin<E> {
  final List<E> l = [];

  void set length(int newLength) { l.length = newLength; }
  int get length => l.length;
  E operator [](int index) => l[index];
  void operator []=(int index, E value) { l[index] = value; }

  // your custom methods
import 'package:quiver/collection.dart';

class MyCustomList<E> extends DelegatingList<E> {
  final List<E> _l = [];

  List<E> get delegate => _l;

  // your custom methods
import 'package:collection/wrappers.dart';

class MyCustomList<E> extends DelegatingList<E> {
  final List<E> _l;

  MyCustomList() : this._(<E>[]);
  MyCustomList._(l) :
    _l = l,

  // your custom methods

Depending on your code each of those options has their advantages. If you wrap/delegate an existing list you should use the last option. Otherwise, use one of the two first options depending on your type hierarchy (mixin allowing to extend another Object).

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