How do I rename a column in a SQLite database table?

Note that as of version 3.25.0 released September 2018 you can now use ALTER TABLE to rename a column.

Original “create new and drop old table” answer below.

Say you have a table and need to rename “colb” to “col_b”:

First create the new table with a temporary name, based on the old table definition but with the updated column name:

CREATE TABLE tmp_table_name (
  col_a INT
, col_b INT

Then copy the contents across from the original table.

INSERT INTO tmp_table_name(col_a, col_b)
SELECT col_a, colb
FROM orig_table_name;

Drop the old table.

DROP TABLE orig_table_name;

Last you rename the temporary table table to the original:

ALTER TABLE tmp_table_name RENAME TO orig_table_name;

Don’t forget to re-create indexes, triggers, etc. The documentation gives a fuller picture of the gotchas and caveats.

Wrapping all this in a BEGIN TRANSACTION; and COMMIT; is also probably a good idea.

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