How does Page.IsValid work?

Validation occurs after Page_Load, but before event handlers (See

If your button does not cause validation, you must manually fire Page.Validate.

You may not interrogate Page.IsValid until after (1) you have called Page.Validate or (2) a control that causes validation was the source of/included in a postback.

If you require validation to occur before event handlers fire, you may use:

if (Page.IsPostback) 
   Page.Validate( /*Control Validation Group Name Optional*/ );
   if (Page.IsValid)
       //Do some cool stuff

You may also want to consider redesigning so you aren’t required to do so.

In an event handler that handles a control which causes validation, Page.IsValid is guaranteed to be available. In all other cases, it is generally safer to re-request validation. One model for handling submissions on a form that has validators:

void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (Page.IsValid)

If you are using a CustomValidator that has a very expensive validation step, you may consider caching the result in the HttpResponse.Cache so you do not have to re-validate if multiple calls to Page.Validate occur.

void CustomValidator_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
   CustomValidator self = (CustomValidator)source;
   string validatorResultKey = self.ClientID;
   bool? validatorResult = Context.Items[validatorResultKey] as bool?;
   if (validatorResult.HasValue)
      args.IsValid = validatorResult.Value;

   bool isValid = this.DoSomethingVeryTimeConsumingOrExpensive();
   Context.Items[validatorResultKey] = isValid;
   args.IsValid = isValid;

This, of course, depends 100% on your architecture and whether or not you are able to assume that a passed/failed validation during initial validation still passes/fails during subsequent validations of the same Page Life Cycle.

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