How does -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: work?

From the docs:

Invokes a method of the receiver on
the current thread using the default
mode after a delay.

The discussion goes further:

This method sets up a timer to perform
the aSelector message on the current
thread’s run loop. The timer is
configured to run in the default mode
(NSDefaultRunLoopMode). When the timer
fires, the thread attempts to dequeue
the message from the run loop and
perform the selector. It succeeds if
the run loop is running and in the
default mode; otherwise, the timer
waits until the run loop is in the
default mode.

From this we can answer your second question. Yes, it’s guaranteed, even with a shorter delay since the current thread is busy executing when performSelector is called. When the thread returns to the run loop and dequeues the selector, you’ll have returned from your methodCalledByButtonClick.

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