How should I pass a table name into a stored proc?

First of all, you should NEVER do SQL command compositions on a client app like this, that’s what SQL Injection is. (Its OK for an admin tool that has no privs of its own, but not for a shared use application).

Secondly, yes, a parametrized call to a Stored procedure is both cleaner and safer.

However, as you will need to use Dynamic SQL to do this, you still do not want to include the passed string in the text of the executed query. Instead, you want to used the passed string to look up the names of the actual tables that the user should be allowed to query in the way.

Here’s a simple naive example:

CREATE PROC spCountAnyTableRows( @PassedTableName as NVarchar(255) ) AS
-- Counts the number of rows from any non-system Table, *SAFELY*
    DECLARE @ActualTableName AS NVarchar(255)

    WHERE TABLE_NAME = @PassedTableName

    SELECT @sql="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + @ActualTableName + ';'


Some have fairly asked why this is safer. Hopefully, little Bobby Tables can make this clearer:
alt text

Answers to more questions:

  1. QUOTENAME alone is not guaranteed to be safe. MS encourages us to use it, but they have not given a guarantee that it cannot be out-foxed by hackers. FYI, real Security is all about the guarantees. The table lookup with QUOTENAME, is another story, it’s unbreakable.

  2. QUOTENAME is not strictly necessary for this example, the Lookup translation on INFORMATION_SCHEMA alone is normally sufficient. QUOTENAME is in here because it is good form in security to include a complete and correct solution. QUOTENAME in here is actually protecting against a distinct, but similar potential problem know as latent injection.

I should note that you can do the same thing with dynamic Column Names and the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table.

You can also bypass the need for stored procedures by using a parameterized SQL query instead (see here: But I think that stored procedures provide a more manageable and less error-prone security facility for cases like this.

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