How subset a data frame by a factor and repeat a plot for each subset?

Because you want to split up the dataset and make a plot for each level of a factor, I would approach this with one of the split-apply-return tools from the plyr package.

Here is a toy example using the mtcars dataset. I first create the plot and name it p, then use dlply to split the dataset by a factor and return a plot for each level. I’m taking advantage of %+% from ggplot2 to replace the data.frame in a plot.

p = ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + 

dlply(mtcars, .(cyl), function(x) p %+% x)

This returns all the plots, one after another. If you name the resulting list object you can also call one plot at a time.

plots = dlply(mtcars, .(cyl), function(x) p %+% x)


I started thinking about putting a title on each plot based on the factor, which seems like it would be useful.

dlply(mtcars, .(cyl), function(x) p %+% x + facet_wrap(~cyl))

Edit 2

Here is one way to save these in a single document, one plot per page. This is working with the list of plots named plots. It saves them all to one document, one plot per page. I didn’t change any of the defaults in pdf, but you can certainly explore the changes you can make.


Updated to use package dplyr instead of plyr. This is done in do, and the output will have a named column that contains all the plots as a list.

plots = mtcars %>%
    group_by(cyl) %>%
    do(plots = p %+% . + facet_wrap(~cyl))

Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
Groups: <by row>

  cyl           plots
1   4 <S3:gg, ggplot>
2   6 <S3:gg, ggplot>
3   8 <S3:gg, ggplot>

To see the plots in R, just ask for the column that contains the plots.


And to save as a pdf


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