How to accommodate for the iPhone 4 screen resolution?

According to Supporting High-Resolution Screens In Views, from the Apple docs:

On devices with high-resolution screens, the imageNamed:,
imageWithContentsOfFile:, and
initWithContentsOfFile: methods
automatically looks for a version of
the requested image with the @2x
modifier in its name. It if finds one,
it loads that image instead. If you do
not provide a high-resolution version
of a given image, the image object
still loads a standard-resolution
image (if one exists) and scales it
during drawing.

When it loads an image, a UIImage object automatically sets the size and
scale properties to appropriate values
based on the suffix of the image file.
For standard resolution images, it
sets the scale property to 1.0 and
sets the size of the image to the
image’s pixel dimensions. For images
with the @2x suffix in the filename,
it sets the scale property to 2.0 and
halves the width and height values to
compensate for the scale factor. These
halved values correlate correctly to
the point-based dimensions you need to
use in the logical coordinate space to
render the image.

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