How to allow a User only access their own data in Spring Boot / Spring Security?

In any @Controller, @RestController annotated bean you can use Principal directly as a method argument.

    public String getUserInfo(@PathVariable("user_id") Long userId, Principal principal){
        // test if userId is current principal or principal is an ADMIN

If you don’t want the security checks in your Controllers you could use Spring EL expressions.
You probably already use some build-in expressions like hasRole([role]).

And you can write your own expressions.

  1. Create a bean
    public class UserSecurity {
         public boolean hasUserId(Authentication authentication, Long userId) {
            // do your check(s) here
  1. Use your expression

The nice thing is that you can also combine expressions like:

    hasRole('admin') or @userSecurity.hasUserId(authentication,#userId)

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