How to cancel an calendar event using ics files?

File gets created in the same way as the original ics file. The event status will be different. UID will identify the event and sequence number will indicate priority of update, and then the event details will be noted (changes or cancellations)

If you want to change/cancel an event after sending out an invitation, you need to identify the event/appointment by its UID, and allocate a bigger SEQUENCE number than the original ics event.

UID (unique identifier) :


and set the event status

             / "CANCELLED"    ;Indicates event was cancelled.


oh – and method
If you need to send in a cancellation for an event the UID should be same as the original event and the component properties should be set to cancel Ex.

Of course this will only ‘cancel’ the event if the recipient then actually clicks to load/subscribe it into the same calendar app as the first time.
For applications that have ‘subscribed’ the the remote ics – when they next do an ‘update’ check the update should be processed and overwrite the original event.

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