How to configure Git for using it with Dropbox?

If you want to add an intermediate repo container, Dropbox is fine provided:

  1. You use the git bundle format: it generates a bare repo with only one file (meaning Dropbox is more likely to correctly sync it to any of your computers: it is just about copying one file, not “the whole structure” from which you are not sure you will get everything back).

  2. You are using incremental bundle for each of your saves (again, one file per save, easy to pull from on the other side to get back what has been done).
    Name your increment after the source (laptop or desktop) and with the date.
    Basically, you will pull from any xxx.bundle you haven’t pulled yet.

  3. You regularly clean all the intermediate incremental bundles, replacing it with a full bundle from whatever source is the most up-to-date

That model allows for:

  • simple sync process (one or very few files)
  • quick saving process (with incremental bundles)
  • scaling: if there is more than one actor, i.e. if several people are updating the same branch, you can isolate their contributions when pulling from them by referencing their bundles using a different remote name (since each bundle is a bare repo from which you can pull).

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