How to convert an iterable to a stream?

Python 3 has a new I/O stream API (library docs), replacing the old file-like object protocol. (The new API is also available in Python 2 in the io module, and it’s backwards-compatible with the file-like object protocol.)

Here’s an implementation for the new API, in Python 2 and 3:

import io

def iterable_to_stream(iterable, buffer_size=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
    Lets you use an iterable (e.g. a generator) that yields bytestrings as a read-only
    input stream.

    The stream implements Python 3's newer I/O API (available in Python 2's io module).
    For efficiency, the stream is buffered.
    class IterStream(io.RawIOBase):
        def __init__(self):
            self.leftover = None
        def readable(self):
            return True
        def readinto(self, b):
                l = len(b)  # We're supposed to return at most this much
                chunk = self.leftover or next(iterable)
                output, self.leftover = chunk[:l], chunk[l:]
                b[:len(output)] = output
                return len(output)
            except StopIteration:
                return 0    # indicate EOF
    return io.BufferedReader(IterStream(), buffer_size=buffer_size)

Example usage:

with iterable_to_stream(str(x**2).encode('utf8') for x in range(11)) as s:

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