How to create a django ViewFlow process programmatically

There are two additional Start build-in Tasks available for Flows

StartFunction – starts flow when the function called somewhere:

def create_flow(activation, **kwargs):
    return activation

class FunctionFlow(Flow):
    start = flow.StartFunction(create_flow) \

# somewhere in the code**some_kwargs)

StartSignal – starts flow on django signal receive:

class SignalFlow(Flow):
    start = flow.StartSignal(some_signal, create_flow) \      

You can check the usage for them, and rest of build-in task in this viewflow test suite.

For manually process the task state, first you should get the task from the database, activate it, and call any activation method.

task  = MyFlow.task_cls.objects.get(...)
activation = task.activate()
if  activation.undo.can_proceed():

Any activation transition have .can_proceed() method, helps you to check, is the task in the state that allows the transition.

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