How to create an RXjs RetryWhen with delay and limit on tries

You need to apply the limit to the retry signal, for instance if you only wanted 10 retries:

loadSomething(): Observable<SomeInterface> {
  return this.http.get(this.someEndpoint, commonHttpHeaders())
    .retryWhen(errors => 
      // Time shift the retry
            // Only take 10 items
            // Throw an exception to signal that the error needs to be propagated
            .concat(Rx.Observable.throw(new Error('Retry limit exceeded!'))


Some of the commenters asked how to make sure that the last error is the one that gets thrown. The answer is a bit less clean but no less powerful, just use one of the flattening map operators (concatMap, mergeMap, switchMap) to check which index you are at.

Note: Using the new RxJS 6 pipe syntax for future proofing (this is also available in later versions of RxJS 5).

loadSomething(): Observable<SomeInterface> {
  const retryPipeline = 
    // Still using retryWhen to handle errors
    retryWhen(errors => errors.pipe(
      // Use concat map to keep the errors in order and make sure they
      // aren't executed in parallel
      concatMap((e, i) => 
        // Executes a conditional Observable depending on the result
        // of the first argument
          () => i > 10,
          // If the condition is true we throw the error (the last error)
          // Otherwise we pipe this back into our stream and delay the retry

  return this.http.get(this.someEndpoint, commonHttpHeaders())
    // With the new syntax you can now share this pipeline between uses

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