How to create Codeigniter language files from database?

You are on the right track. You’ll want to create a language file on the fly (e.g. whenever you update the language contents of your database)

1st: the database layout

Create a table lang_token with columns id, category, description, lang, token and populate its fields like this:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lang_token` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `category` text NOT NULL,
      `description` text NOT NULL,
      `lang` text NOT NULL,
      `token` text NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    INSERT INTO `lang_token` (`id`, `category`, `description`, `lang`, `token`) 
      (1, 'error', 'noMail', 'english', 'You must submit a valid email address'),
      (2, 'error', 'noUser', 'english', 'You must submit a username');

2nd: About CodeIgniter language files

CodeIgniter will look first in your application/language directory, Each language should be stored in its own folder. Make sure you have your English or German, etc. subdirectories created e.g. application/language/english

3rd: Controller function to create language file on the fly

About The Codeigniter language files:
It’s a good practice to use a common prefix (category) for all messages in a given file to avoid collisions with similarly named items in other files
There structure is like: $lang['category_description'] = “token”;

    function updatelangfile($my_lang){

        $langstr="<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
                * Created:  2014-05-31 by Vickel
                * Description:  ".$my_lang." language file for general views

        foreach ($query->result() as $row){
            //$lang['error_csrf'] = 'This form post did not pass our security checks.';
            $langstr.= "\$lang['".$row->category."_".$row->description."'] = \"$row->token\";"."\n";
        write_file('./application/language/'.$my_lang.'/general_lang.php', $langstr);


Final notes:

  1. Whenever you change your database, you’ll call the function updatelangfile(‘english’)
  2. Don’t forget to load the file helper and language class in the constructor of the controller where updatelangfile() is located:

    function __construct(){
        $this->lang->load('general', 'english');

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