how to draw a wheel of fortune?

Wheel of fortune using JS Canvas

wheel of fortune game javascript

const sectors = [
  {color:"#f82", label:"Stack"},
  {color:"#0bf", label:"10"},
  {color:"#fb0", label:"200"},
  {color:"#0fb", label:"50"},
  {color:"#b0f", label:"100"},
  {color:"#f0b", label:"5"},
  {color:"#bf0", label:"500"},

// Generate random float in range min-max:
const rand = (m, M) => Math.random() * (M - m) + m;

const tot = sectors.length;
const elSpin = document.querySelector("#spin");
const ctx = document.querySelector("#wheel").getContext`2d`;
const dia = ctx.canvas.width;
const rad = dia / 2;
const PI = Math.PI;
const TAU = 2 * PI;
const arc = TAU / tot;
const friction = 0.991;  // 0.995=soft, 0.99=mid, 0.98=hard
const angVelMin = 0.002; // Below that number will be treated as a stop
let angVelMax = 0; // Random ang.vel. to accelerate to 
let angVel = 0;    // Current angular velocity
let ang = 0;       // Angle rotation in radians
let isSpinning = false;
let isAccelerating = false;
let animFrame = null; // Engine's requestAnimationFrame

//* Get index of current sector */
const getIndex = () => Math.floor(tot - ang / TAU * tot) % tot;

//* Draw sectors and prizes texts to canvas */
const drawSector = (sector, i) => {
  const ang = arc * i;;
  // COLOR
  ctx.fillStyle = sector.color;
  ctx.moveTo(rad, rad);
  ctx.arc(rad, rad, rad, ang, ang + arc);
  ctx.lineTo(rad, rad);
  // TEXT
  ctx.translate(rad, rad);
  ctx.rotate(ang + arc / 2);
  ctx.textAlign = "right";
  ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
  ctx.font = "bold 30px sans-serif";
  ctx.fillText(sector.label, rad - 10, 10);

//* CSS rotate CANVAS Element */
const rotate = () => {
  const sector = sectors[getIndex()]; = `rotate(${ang - PI / 2}rad)`;
  elSpin.textContent = !angVel ? "SPIN" : sector.label; = sector.color;

const frame = () => {

  if (!isSpinning) return;

  if (angVel >= angVelMax) isAccelerating = false;

  // Accelerate
  if (isAccelerating) {
    angVel ||= angVelMin; // Initial velocity kick
    angVel *= 1.06; // Accelerate
  // Decelerate
  else {
    isAccelerating = false;
    angVel *= friction; // Decelerate by friction  

    // SPIN END:
    if (angVel < angVelMin) {
      isSpinning = false;
      angVel = 0;

  ang += angVel; // Update angle
  ang %= TAU;    // Normalize angle
  rotate();      // CSS rotate!

const engine = () => {
  animFrame = requestAnimationFrame(engine)

elSpin.addEventListener("click", () => {
  if (isSpinning) return;
  isSpinning = true;
  isAccelerating = true;
  angVelMax = rand(0.25, 0.40);
  engine(); // Start engine!

// INIT!
rotate(); // Initial rotation
#wheelOfFortune {
  display: inline-flex;
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

#wheel {
  display: block;

#spin {
  font: 1.5rem/0 sans-serif;
  user-select: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  width: 30%;
  height: 30%;
  margin: -15%;
  background: #fff;
  color: #fff;
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 8px currentColor, 0 0px 15px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
  border-radius: 50%;
  transition: 0.8s;

#spin::after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  top: -17px;
  border: 10px solid transparent;
  border-bottom-color: currentColor;
  border-top: none;
<div id="wheelOfFortune">
  <canvas id="wheel" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
  <div id="spin">SPIN asd asd asd as dasd as dasd asd asd as d</div>

Stop at defined position

Whilst the above example uses requestAnimationFrame, to handle acceleration, deceleration etc, if instead you want to trick the user by controlling the end result and stopping the wheel at a specific angle or approximate sector angle — please refer to this related answer: Stop Wheel of Fortune at Predefined Angle or Index

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