How to execute a PowerShell function several times in parallel?

No update necessary for this. Define a script block and use Start-Job to run the script block as many times as necessary. Example:

$cmd = {
  param($a, $b)
  Write-Host $a $b

$foo = "foo"

1..5 | ForEach-Object {
  Start-Job -ScriptBlock $cmd -ArgumentList $_, $foo

The script block takes 2 parameters $a and $b which are passed by the -ArgumentList option. In the example above, the assignments are $_$a and $foo$b. $foo is just an example for a configurable, but static parameter.

Run Get-Job | Remove-Job at some point to remove the finished jobs from the queue (or Get-Job | % { Receive-Job $_.Id; Remove-Job $_.Id } if you want to retrieve the output).

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