How to flatten a list to a list without coercion?

Interesting non-trivial problem!

MAJOR UPDATE With all that’s happened, I’ve rewrote the answer and removed some dead ends. I also timed the various solutions on different cases.

Here’s the first, rather simple but slow, solution:

flatten1 <- function(x) {
  y <- list()
  rapply(x, function(x) y <<- c(y,x))

rapply lets you traverse a list and apply a function on each leaf element. Unfortunately, it works exactly as unlist with the returned values. So I ignore the result from rapply and instead I append values to the variable y by doing <<-.

Growing y in this manner is not very efficient (it’s quadratic in time). So if there are many thousands of elements this will be very slow.

A more efficient approach is the following, with simplifications from @JoshuaUlrich:

flatten2 <- function(x) {
  len <- sum(rapply(x, function(x) 1L))
  y <- vector('list', len)
  i <- 0L
  rapply(x, function(x) { i <<- i+1L; y[[i]] <<- x })

Here I first find out the result length and pre-allocate the vector. Then I fill in the values.
As you can will see, this solution is much faster.

Here’s a version of @JoshO’Brien great solution based on Reduce, but extended so it handles arbitrary depth:

flatten3 <- function(x) {
  repeat {
    if(!any(vapply(x, is.list, logical(1)))) return(x)
    x <- Reduce(c, x)

Now let the battle begin!

# Check correctness on original problem 
x <- list(NA, list("TRUE", list(FALSE), 0L))
dput( flatten1(x) )
#list(NA, "TRUE", FALSE, 0L)
dput( flatten2(x) )
#list(NA, "TRUE", FALSE, 0L)
dput( flatten3(x) )
#list(NA_character_, "TRUE", FALSE, 0L)

# Time on a huge flat list
x <- as.list(1:1e5)
#system.time( flatten1(x) )  # Long time
system.time( flatten2(x) )  # 0.39 secs
system.time( flatten3(x) )  # 0.04 secs

# Time on a huge deep list
x <-'leaf'; for(i in 1:11) { x <- list(left=x, right=x, value=i) }
#system.time( flatten1(x) ) # Long time
system.time( flatten2(x) )  # 0.05 secs
system.time( flatten3(x) )  # 1.28 secs

…So what we observe is that the Reduce solution is faster when the depth is low, and the rapply solution is faster when the depth is large!

As correctness goes, here are some tests:

> dput(flatten1( list(1:3, list(1:3, 'foo')) ))
list(1L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, "foo")
> dput(flatten2( list(1:3, list(1:3, 'foo')) ))
list(1:3, 1:3, "foo")
> dput(flatten3( list(1:3, list(1:3, 'foo')) ))
list(1L, 2L, 3L, 1:3, "foo")

Unclear what result is desired, but I lean towards the result from flatten2

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