How to forward functions with variadic parameters?

This has nothing to do with tuples. Anyway, it isn’t possible to convert from an array to a tuple in the general case, as the arrays can have any length, and the arity of a tuple must be known at compile time.

However, you can solve your problem by providing overloads:

// This function does the actual work
func sumOf(_ numbers: [Int]) -> Int {
    return numbers.reduce(0, +) // functional style with reduce

// This overload allows the variadic notation and
// forwards its args to the function above
func sumOf(_ numbers: Int...) -> Int {
    return sumOf(numbers)

sumOf(2, 5, 1)

func averageOf(_ numbers: Int...) -> Int {
    // This calls the first function directly
    return sumOf(numbers) / numbers.count

averageOf(2, 5, 1)

Maybe there is a better way (e.g., Scala uses a special type ascription to avoid needing the overload; you could write in Scala sumOf(numbers: _*) from within averageOf without defining two functions), but I haven’t found it in the docs.

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