How to generate UML diagrams (especially sequence diagrams) from Java code?

ObjectAid UML Explorer

Is what I used. It is easily installed from the repository:

Name:     ObjectAid UML Explorer

And produces quite nice UML diagrams:


Description from the website:

The ObjectAid UML Explorer is different from other UML tools. It uses
the UML notation to show a graphical representation of existing code
that is as accurate and up-to-date as your text editor, while being
very easy to use. Several unique features make this possible:

  • Your source code and libraries are the model that is displayed, they are not reverse engineered into a different format.
  • If you update your code in Eclipse, your diagram is updated as well; there is no need to reverse engineer source code.
  • Refactoring updates your diagram as well as your source code. When you rename a field or move a class, your diagram simply reflects the
    changes without going out of sync.
  • All diagrams in your Eclipse workspace are updated with refactoring changes as appropriate. If necessary, they are checked out of your
    version control system.
  • Diagrams are fully integrated into the Eclipse IDE. You can drag Java classes from any other view onto the diagram, and diagram-related
    information is shown in other views wherever applicable.

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