How to get UIKeyboard size with iOS

You can get the keyboard size from the userInfo dictionary using the UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey and the UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey instead.

These two keys return a NSValue instance containing a CGRect that holds the position and size of the keyboard at both the start and end points of the keyboard’s show/hide animation.


To clarify, the userInfo dictionary comes from an NSNotification instance. It’s passed to your method that you register with an observer. For example,

- (void)someMethodWhereYouSetUpYourObserver
    // This could be in an init method.
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self 

- (void)myNotificationMethod:(NSNotification*)notification
    NSDictionary* keyboardInfo = [notification userInfo];
    NSValue* keyboardFrameBegin = [keyboardInfo valueForKey:UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey];
    CGRect keyboardFrameBeginRect = [keyboardFrameBegin CGRectValue];

Edit 2:

Also, please don’t forget to remove yourself as an observer in your dealloc method! This is to avoid a crash that would occur when the notification center tries to notify your object after its been freed.

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